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sometimes your dream date starts out as a nightmare...

Most interactions on dating sites are shallow and superficial, but research shows that deeper connections are often forged through shared traumatic experiences. 

So, to help Bumble users find their ideal match, we'll launch "PTSDate," a VR date experience that simulates traumatic first-date scenarios based on shared fears.

PTSDate, a new Bumble feature: 

In order to make a match, people will enter their fears as a profile prompt on the Bumble app. If all goes well they can book a PTSDate.

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The Dates: 

People can participate in the PTSDates with their own VR headset or at Bumble Hive pop-ups across the country.
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We'll promote the PTSDates with a series of OOH ads and social posts. 
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After the dates, Bumble users will receive a digital postcard of their adventure to look back on. These will be shared on Bumble's IG stories and featured as a story highlight.
CWs: Claire Mirsky, Caroline Filips
ADs: Nikolas Sandevski, Nahtalie Lopez 
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